Irish Studies in Europe

Begründet von Werner Huber, Catherine Maignant, Hedwig Schwall

Herausgegeben von Seán Crosson, Hedwig Schwall, Katharina Rennhak

Irish Studies in Europe is the title of this series of publications in Irish Studies. The thematic and methodological range of this projected series is meant to go well beyond literary studies and to include aspects of cultural studies in the broadest sense. The focus is, of course, on the island of Ireland (the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland) as well as the Irish diaspora in all aspects of society, history, culture, literature, the arts, and the media. The "European" dimension suggested by the series title gives expression to a preferred, but by no means exclusive concentration on (mainland) European perspectives on Irish Studies. It is hoped that such "etic" approaches in their detachment from native and local issues contribute a special dimension to the progress of Irish Studies at large and document the variety of European traditions of Irish Studies as inter- and multidisciplinary fields of research and teaching. Thus, the programme of this series is a reflection of the objectives of The European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies (EFACIS), under whose aegis the series is published.

> Irish Studies in Europe-Homepage, EFACIS