Ireland in / and Europe

27,50 €
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Werner Huber, Sandra Mayer, Julia Novak (Eds.)

Ireland in / and Europe. Cross-Currents and Exchanges

ISBN 978-3-86821-421-5, 284 S., kt., € 27,50 (2012)

(Irish Studies in Europe, Bd. 4)

The essays collected here represent a selection of papers first delivered at the Seventh EFACIS (European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies) Conference on the theme of “Ireland in/and Europe: Cross-Currents and Exchanges,” which was held at the University of Vienna, 3-6 September 2009. “Hibernicise Europe and Europeanise Ireland” – this apocryphal quotation from James Joyce seemed a good motto for an EFACIS conference precipitating a volume of essays on Irish-European cross-currents and exchanges. Europe is many things to Joyce, not only the Gothic/Exotic Other, but also a symbol of liberation. Ireland vs. Europe in the whole of Joyce’s oeuvre neatly reflects the trajectories of exile, return, distancing, and appropriation.

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