Ireland – Representation and Responsibility
Werner Huber, Michael Böss, Catherine Maignant, Hedwig Schwall (Eds.)
Ireland: Representation and Responsibility
ISBN 978-3-88476-998-0, 180 S., kt., € 20,00 (2007)
(Irish Studies in Europe, Bd. 1)
Contents: John Synge in Context; or, Re-Positioning Synge: The Point of Balance (A. Saddlemyer) – 'The Death of an Author': Collaborative Voices in J.M. Synge's Deirdre of the Sorrows (1910) (L. Pereira) – The Contemporary First-Person Novel in Ireland: Renewal of an Old Tradition? (E. D'hoker) – 'Frightened with my own hatred': Telling Violence in Jennifer Johnston's Fool's Sanctuary and The Invisible Worm (T. Casal) – 'Northern and troubled, southern and peaceful': Absence, Punishment, and the Disappeared in Films on the North of Ireland (Y. Igoe) – Ulster-Scots History and Culture: A North Channel Perspective (J. Erskine) – Representation and Responsibility: Women in Northern Ireland/the North of Ireland: A Conversation in Descant (M. Hill, E. Rooney) – To Act or Not to Act: Parliamentary Representations of Irish Poverty in the 1830s (A.-C. Lobo) – De Valera Remembering: A Study in Memory and Self-Representation (M. Böss) – The Irish in Post-War Britain: Towards Greater Visibility? (G. O'Keeffe-Vigneron) – Deconstructing Media Reports of Sexual Abuse: An Analysis of Framing in Irish Print Media Coverage of Sexual Abuse, 1993-2002 (M.J. Breen) – Public Representations of a Private Choice: Irish Daily Newspapers and the Referenda on Abortion of 1992 and 2002 (J. Mercereau) – Faith and Responsibility in Contemporary Ireland (C. Maignant)