The Legacy of the Fraunfelter China Company
Meike Miller, Vanessa Schulz
The Legacy of the Fraunfelter China Company
ISBN 978-3-86821-363-8, 90 pp., 49 illustrations, € 15,00 (CD-ROM, 2012)
(Cultural Studies in the Heartland of America, Vol. 30)
In 1915 Charles David Fraunfelter founded the Fraunfelter China Company in Zanesville, Ohio, America’s pottery capital at that time, and his company soon counted among the most successful in the nation. Son George Emerson Fraunfelter followed in his father’s footsteps and for four years managed a new plant in Chesterton, Indiana. Following his father’s death, George Fraunfelter became the president of Fraunfelter China Company until it closed in 1939. Based upon both genealogical and newspaper archive research, this book tells the engaging story of the rise and fall of the Fraunfelter China Company in Chesterton, and uncovers a wealth of data about the founder and his family that are interwoven to create a detailed family portrait.