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Intercultural Connections within German and Irish Children's Literature

17.50 €
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Susan Tebbutt, Joachim Fischer (Eds.)

Intercultural Connections within German and Irish Children's Literature

ISBN 978-3-86821-036-1, 116 pp., paperback, € 17,50 (2008)

(Irish-German Studies, Vol. 3)

Susan Tebbutt and Joachim Fischer
Intercultural Connections within German and Irish children's literature

Gabriel Rosenstock
Writing for children: A sense of oneness

Emer O'Sullivan
German and Irish children's literature: A comparative perspective

Stefan Neuhaus
The politics of fairytales: Oscar Wilde and the German tradition

Stefanie Weber
Erich Kästner and Gulliver: Of little people and big follies

Elisabeth Wåghäll Nirve
Experiences of diversity in German children's mystery books

Susan Tebbutt
I like Irish-German literature - und du? Intercultural explorations


"Die Publikation kann angesichts ihres Pionierstatus nur begrüßt werden, bietet sie doch zahlreiche Anregungen für die weitere Diskussion und Forschung."

Martina Seifert, Kinder- und Literaturforschung (2008/2009)