Studies in Forensic Phonetics
Angelika Braun, Jens-Peter Köster (Eds.)
Studies in Forensic Phonetics
ISBN 978-3-88476-150-2, ISBN 3-88476-150-1, 168 S., kt., € 18,50 (1995)
In the past few years, forensic applications of phonetics have enjoyed a growing interest in Germany as well as internationally.
The tasks for the forensic phonetician include the analysis of anonymous voices, comparison of an anonymous voice to that of a suspect as well as conducting and interpreting so-called voice line-ups.
This book comprises a collection of recent papers by leading forensic phoneticians from eight different countries on various aspects of the field. They cover issues of basic research and methodology as well as specific aspects of forensic reports. Although the book is of interest primarily to phoneticians and speech scientists, it will also provide a good introduction to the many facets of forensic phonetics for those working in the legal field.
Braun, Angelika: Fundamental Frequency - How Speaker-specific is it?
Broeders, A.P.A. / A.C.M. Rietveld: Speaker Identification by Earwitnesses
Gfroerer, Stefan / Isolde Wagner: Fundamental Frequency in Forensic Speech Samples
Greisbach, Reinhold / Otto Esser / Constanze Weinstock: Speaker identification by formant contours
Harmegnies, Bernard: Contribution à la Caractérisation Acoustique des Sigmatismes - Étude de deux Indices Acoustico-Statistiques
Hirson, Allen / Martin Duckworth: Forensic Implications of Vocal Creak as Voice Disguise
Hirson, Allen: Human Laughter - A Forensic Phonetic Perspective
Hollien, Harry / Patricia A. Hollien: Improving Aural-Perceptual Speaker Identification Techniques
Hollien, Harry / Ming Jiang / Hermann Künzel: Upgrading the SAUSI Prosody (TED) Vektor
Homayounpour, M.M. / J.Ph. Goldmann / G. Chollet: Machine vs. Human Speaker Verification
Huntley, Ruth A. / Kimberley J. Pass: Task Influences on Earwitness Reliability
Jassem, Wiktor: Discriminant Analysis and its Application in Voice Recognition
Schiller, Niels / Olaf Köster: Comparison of Four Widely Used Fo-Analysis Systems in the Forensic Domain
Zalewski, Janusz: A Comparison of the Effectiveness of some Distance Measures in Speaker Recognition Experiments