Heinrich Böll's Irisches Tagebuch in Context

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Gisela Holfter (Ed.)

Heinrich Böll's Irisches Tagebuch in Context

ISBN 978-3-86821-216-7, 140 S., kt., € 19,50 (2010)

(Irish-German Studies, Bd. 5)

Readers of this volume will quickly realise that the articles here are reflections of the immense influence of one book – Heinrich Böll’s Irisches Tagebuch, or Irish Journal in the English translation. The 50th anniversary in 2007 of the publication of Irisches Tagebuch was the focus of the 9th Limerick Conference in Irish-German Studies in the autumn of that year. Selected contributions have been collected and are presented here in edited form. As we have done before (in vol. 2 of the Irish-German Studies book series) we have included essays and personal recollections in this volume, acknowledging the fact that Böll’s book has strong personal, emotional, even sentimental appeal for many readers and for anybody active in Irish-German relations in particular. From a personal point of view the organisation of the conference was almost an obligation given my ongoing interest and research activity since the early 1990s into the relationship of Heinrich Böll with Ireland.

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