Common ground? Crossovers between Cultural Studies and Postcolonial Studies

23,50 €
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Bernhard Klein, Jürgen Kramer (Eds.)

Common ground? Crossovers between Cultural Studies and Postcolonial Studies

ISBN 978-3-88476-497-8, ISBN 3-88476-497-7, 176 S., kt., € 23,50 (2001)

In recent years, the critical projects of cultural studies and postcolonial studies have initiated some of the most exciting debates within the wider field of British literature and culture. The theoretical tools and approaches characteristic of both areas of study suggest a common critical agenda but there has in fact been very little exchange, discussion or cooperation between practitioners in the two fields. This volume brings together fifteen scholars from both camps to explore whether they might not share more common analytical ground than this situation implies. Contributions vary from theoretically oriented interventions to particular case studies; all are united in asking where the conceptual and thematic crossovers of their critical practice might be located, what strengths postcolonial and cultural studies share, what their common weaknesses are. The analytical richness of the essays collected here makes this joining of critical forces a timely foray into the future of English studies.

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