British Literature and Culture: Divergent Views and Attitudes
ab 26,00 €
Reinhold Schiffer, Merle Tönnies (Eds.)
British Literature and Culture: Divergent Views and Attitudes. On the Occasion of Gerd Stratmann's 60th Birthday
ISBN 978-3-88476-335-3, ISBN 3-88476-335-0, 280 S., kt., € 26,00 (1999)
ISBN 978-3-88476-336-0, ISBN 3-88476-336-9, 280 S., geb., € 35,00 (1999)
Part I: Cultural Clashes: REINHOLD SCHIFFER / MERLE TÖNNIES: Form of Divergence/Divergent Forms / MANFRED PFISTER: Zauber und Entzauberung. Die Italienbilder der englischen Romantiker / REINHOLD SCHIFFER: A Pagan among the Sinners and Saints. Norman Douglas's Old Calabria (1915) / JÜRGEN KRAMER: A Different Perspective for British Cultural Studies. The Sea as a Cultural Space / BERND LENZ: Englische Literaturwissenschaft und/als British Cultural Studies / GÜNTER AHRENDS: Bilder und Gegenbilder. London-Gedichte als Reflektoren der Modernisierung / FRANK FRANKEL: Triangles. An Intercultural Experience / CLAUS-ULRICH VIOL: Carnivalising Alterity. Fawlty Towers and the Dramatisation of National Stereotypes / HANS-JÜRGEN DILLER: Tell Me Where th Men Have Gone. Corpora, Gender, and Cultural Change
Part II: Identities in a Divergent Culture: MANFRED BEYER: Das Thema 'Bildung und Kultur' im englischen Drama der Moderne / STEPHAN KOHL: England's Military/Literary Past. The Case of Sir Henry Newbolt / MERLE TÖNNIES: Divergent Myths of Oxford in the Twentieth Century / INGRID VON ROSENBERG: Black Men, Sisters and Flowers of England. Gender Relations and the Search for Identity in Three Second-Generation Black Black British Novels / ANNEGRET SCHRICK: Gender, Class and Race in Jane Austen's Mansfield Park – or: where is Antigua? / BARBARA PUSCHMANN-NALENZ: Nonconformity. Images of Early Modern Religious Dissent in Current Histiographic Fiction
ADAM LADBURY: On the Occasion of Gerd Stratmann's 60th Birthday / JEROEN TORENBEEK: For Gerd Stratmann / BETTINA JORZIK: Gerd Stratmann: Ein Provokateur und Revolutionär in Sachen Studienreform