British and European Romanticism

27,50 €
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Christoph Bode, Sebastian Domsch (Eds.)

British and European Romanticism. Selected Papers from the Munich Conference of the German Society for English Romanticism

ISBN 978-3-88476-959-1, 284 S., kt., € 27,50 (2007)

(Studien zur Englischen Romantik, Bd. 4)

As the double plural of the title indicates, this volume addresses once more the problem of the irreducible heterogeneity not only of European Romanticisms but also of its British variants. Assembling selected papers from the 11th International Symposium of the German Society for English Romanticism, it is designed to deal with intriguing questions of cross- and countercurrents, of conspicuous non-contemporaneity, of unity in diversity, of difference and plurality. Combining case studies with more theoretical reflections, the collection marks a new stage in the reconceptualisation of Romanticism.

C. Bode: Towards a Re-definition of European Romanticism

F. Burwick: Coleridge's Translation of Goethe's Faust

D. Wu: Stendhal and the British Romantics

M. Porée: De Quincey "à la française"

H. Grundmann: Orientalism in Byron, Delacroix and Victor Hugo

R. Lessenich: Byron, Büchner, and Romantic Disillusionism

M. Irimia: Romanian Romanticism and the Invention of the National Spirit

M. Modrzewska: Polish Romantic Drama

J. Cox: British Romantic Drama in a European Context

N. Halmi: Coleridge's Most Unfortunate Borrowing from A.W. Schlegel

M. Class: Clothes in Wordsworth's and Schiller's Poetry and Poetics

J. Swann: Memory and Creativity in Wordsworth and Hölderlin

J. Faflak: Coleridge and Philosophical Internationality

A. Böhm: 'Romantic Ideology' and the Margins of Romanticism

U. Berns: Thomas Lovell Beddoes and Johann Friedrich Blumenbach

T. Rajan: The Scene of Judgment: Trial and Confession in Godwin's Novels

A. Esterhammer: The Improvisatrice's Fame

J. Gurr: Bürger and Shelley on Revolution

F.E. Pointner: Constructing Englishnesses

R. Borgmeier: The English Garden


"Der zu besprechende Band, der ausgewählte Beiträge zum Münchner Symposium der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Englische Romantik (6. bis 9. Oktober 2005) abdruckt, kann aufgrund der Qualität der Artikel und seiner interdisziplinären und komparatistischen Anlage als außerordentlich gelungen bezeichnet werden."

Wolfgang G. Müller, AAA: Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 34.1 (2009)