Anglistentag 2004 Aachen

68,00 €
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Lilo Moessner, Christa M. Schmidt (Eds.)

Anglistentag 2004 Aachen. Proceedings

ISBN 978-3-88476-772-6, ISBN 3-88476-772-0, 500 S., kt., € 68,00 (2005)

(Proceedings of the Conference of the German Association of University Teachers of English, Bd. 26)

Section II: England in the Middle Ages
Hans Sauer (Munich) and Ursula Schaefer (Dresden)
Roy Michael Liuzza (Knoxville, TN)
Beowulf and Historical Memory
Andrew James Johnston (Berlin)
Walter's Two Bodies: Sovereignty and Individuality in Chaucer's Clerk's Tale
Thomas Honegger (Jena)
The Death of the Courtly Lover: Richard Roos's La Belle Dame sans Mercy
Monika Fludernik (Freiburg)
Narrative Structure in the Middle English Prose Romance
Cordelia Wittiger (Dresden)
Medieval Miscellanies: The Mediality of Codex Cotton Tiberius B.v
Ursula Lenker (Munich)
Forwhi hence: Shifting Deictics in Early English Causal Connection
Lucia Kornexl (Greifswald)
"For Englisch was it neuere": Grammatical Metalanguage in Medieval England
Annette Kern-Stähler (Münster)
Poster Presentation: Women and Reading in Late Medieval England: Critical Considerations
Ferdinand von Mengden (Münster)
Poster Presentation: Numeral Constructions in Old English: a Cross-Linguistic Comparison

Section III: Re-fashioning Gender
Rainer Emig (Regensburg), Julika Griem (Stuttgart), Barbara Schaff (Munich)
Introduction: Re-fashioning Gender
Pamela Church Gibson (London)
What Butler Could not Foresee: The Uses and Abuses of High Theory
Russell West-Pavlov (Berlin)
Un-Fashioning Gendered Bodies on the Restoration Stage
Antje Kley (Kiel)
Print Culture, Contingeny and the Discourse of Femininity in 18th Century England
Eveline Kilian (Tübingen)
From Gender to Transgender: Theoretical and Literary Perspectives
Virginia Richter (Munich)
New Bodies, New Narratives: A Biological Turn in Gender Studies?
Katharina Rennhak (Munich)
The Male Epistolary Subject in Women Writers' Novels Around 1800; or Refashioning Feminist Narratology
Stefan Horlacher (Mannheim)
"The letter killeth but the spirit giveth life": Masculinity in Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure
Ingrid Hotz-Davies (Tübingen)
No Use Spoiling One's Trip Worrying About Imaginary Police Men: The Pleasures of the Closet in Patricia Highsmith's Ripley Novels

Section IV: Literature and Music
Silvia Mergenthal (Konstanz) and Christoph Reinfandt (Tübingen) Literature and Music: Introduction
John Neubauer (Amsterdam)
The Return of the Repressed: Language and Music in the Nineteenth Century
Susanne Rupp (Berlin)
"Poetical Music" Revisited: Word-Music Relations in Early Modern English Song
Anna-Margaretha Horatschek (Kiel)
The Auditory Self: Self-Constitution by Text, Voice, and Music in English Literature
Hans Werner Breunig (Munich)
British Romantics and German 19th-Century Composers: On the Relationship between Literature and Music
Burkhard Niederhoff (Bochum)
The Sister Arts as Poetological Metaphors in E. M. Foster's Criticism
Enno Ruge (Munich)
Angry Young Musicians: Viakram Seth's An Equal Music and Bernard MacLaverty's Grace Notes
Lars Eckstein (Tübingen)
Belonging in Music and the Music of Unbelonging in Richard Powers' The Time of Our Singing

Section V: Hypertext
Andreas H. Jucker (Zurich)
Hypertext Research: Some Basic Concepts
Jürgen Esser (Bonn)
Hypertext and Taxonomies of Text-Types
Wolfram Bublitz (Augsburg)
The User as 'Cyberego': Text, Hypertext and Coherence
Anita Fetzer (Lüneburg)
Hypertexts in Context: Micro Meets Macro
Josef Schmied (Chemnitz)
Hypertext and (Grammar) Learning
Beatrix Busse (Münster) and Patricia Plummer (Mainz)
"'More teaching power than anything that could ever be printed on paper'?": (E-)Teaching in a Hypertextnetwork"
Eckart Voigts-Virchow (Giessen)
Structured Fun - Net Wits or Nitwits in Hypermedia?

Section VI: Varia
Anja Müller (Bamberg)
Re-Visiting (Anti-)Theatricality in Frances Burney's Evelina
Stefani Brusberg-Kiermeier (Potsdam)
Sensational Emotions: Excessive Laughter in Wilkie Collins's Novels
Ralf Schneider (Freiburg)
The Literary War Commentary, the Media, and the Performance of Authenticity
Christiane Meierkord (Erfurt)
International Englishes in Contact
Andrea Sand (Freiburg)
The Effects of Language Contact on the Morpho-Syntax of English
Daniela Wawra (Passau)
The Male and the Female Self in Job Interviews: On Personal, Impersonal and Dominant Language Use