67 Clay Street, Manistee, Michigan
Lisa Frilling
67 Clay Street, Manistee, Michigan: Reconstructing the World of Dora Hansen
ISBN 978-3-86821-092-7, 247 S., 112 Abb., Bilddatenbank mit 280 Abb., € 26,00 (CD-ROM, 2008)
(Cultural Studies in the Heartland of America, Bd. 9)
A collection of letters obtained at an auction constitutes the corpus for this investigation. From 1909 to 1913, these 39 letters were written by eleven writers, mostly young women, who all had their roots in Manistee, Michigan, to a young woman from Detroit. The objective of this project is to reconstruct the lives and social circumstances of the individual letter-writers with the help of various online and software tools, as well as on-site research. From a translation research perspective, these letters present a highly valuable resource. A glossary is provided to familiarize the reader with seldom-used expressions, many of them genealogy-related. In the appendix, a transcription of each of the letters can be found. Besides that, the original letters were scanned and saved in an image database attached to this project.