Zeitschrift für Australienstudien 27 (2013)

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Henriette von Holleuffer, Oliver Haag (Eds.)

Zeitschrift für Australienstudien 27 (2013)

ISSN 1617-9900, 240 S., kt., € 30,00 (2013)

From the editors of this issue


Mitchell Rolls

Flora, Fauna and Concrete: Nature and Development in Walkabout magazine (Australia: 1934-1978)

Margaret Hamilton

Benedict Andrews' The Seagull: a meditation on the “Great Australian Emptiness” or a cul-de-sac of the ‘real’? E

lisabeth Bähr

Political Iconography in Indigenous Art

Alexandra Ludewig

Versuche einer Visualisierung: Deutsch-Australische Bilder aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg in Westaustralien

Mandy Kretzschmar

Still Europeans? Australian Self-Understandings in the Administration of Papua New Guinea in the 1960s

Lorna Kaino

On-board ‘Train Australia: Some Contexts of the Works of Kanamori and Murakami


Reinhold Grotz

Der Klimawandel in Australien und die Folgen

Fabian Sonnenburg The Effects of Airports on Industrial and Commercial Property Development: The Case of Brisbane Airport


Translated by Oliver Haag

Jeanine Leane: Schwarze Geheimnisse – Dark Secrets


Anita Heiss: Am I Black Enough for You?

Stefanie Land-Hilbert


Kay Dreyfus: Silences and Secrets. The Australian Experience of the Weintraubs Syncopators

Norbert H. Platz

Les Murray: Größer im Liegen

Norbert H. Platz

Gail Jones: Five Bells

Liesel Hermes

Ouyang Yu: Loose. A Wild History

Juliane Lochner

Linda Westphalen: An Anthropological and Literary Study of Two Australian Aboriginal Women’s Life Histories. The Impacts of Enforced Child Removal and Policies of Assimilation

Oliver Haag

Sibylle Kästner: Jagende Sammlerinnen und sammelnde Jägerinnen.Wie australische Aborigines-Frauen Tiere erbeuten

Corinna Erckenbrecht

Andrew G. Bonnell and Rebecca Vonhoff, eds.: Germans in Queensland: 150 Years

Gerhard Stilz