War and Trauma in Past and Present

29,50 €
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Chiara Manghi, Mareike Spychala, Lina Strempel (Eds.)

War and Trauma in Past and Present. An Interdisciplinary Collection of Essays

ISBN 978-3-86821-822-0, 232 S., 16 Abb., kt., € 29,50 (2019)

This collection brings together a selection of seventeen essays which seek to provide answers to fundamental questions surrounding the representation of war and trauma in literature and the arts. Particularly the question if and how experiences of war and trauma can be represented authentically is of central interest in a majority of the contributions. Closely related to this concern is the debate over whether war and trauma defeat language and, if so, which alternatives for their expression are possible. Starting from these questions, this collection of essays aims to further explore and challenge the existing academic discourses while also widening the scope of war and trauma studies by incorporating perspectives from and on the Global South. Thus, the volume interrogates depictions of war and trauma connected to a variety of conflicts, approaching the topic from international and interdisciplinary angles, spanning fields such as literary studies, cultural studies, art history, and sociology.

Buchvorschau / Inhaltsverzeichnis (pdf)