Teaching Contemporary Literature and Culture: Film, Part II

32,50 €
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Susanne Peters, Klaus Stierstorfer, Dirk Vanderbeke, Laurenz Volkmann (Eds.)

Teaching Contemporary Literature and Culture: Film, Part II

ISBN 978-3-86821-429-1, 348 S., kt., € 32,50 (2013)

Teaching Contemporary Literature and Culture presents accessible readings of major works of contemporary literature in English for schools and universities by specialists in the respective fields. All those seeking an introduction to or further inspiration on specific texts and their authors as well as those in need of a comprehensive, substantial survey of writings in English should profit from this book. The choice of some dozens of texts for each of the genres – in the present case film – is based on the teaching experience of the book’s editors and contributors, but also reflects their individual preferences. The comprehensively structured articles begin with a short introduction to the author’s biography, the text’s generic traditions and historical contexts, followed by discussions of its innovative quality and its intertextual aspects. A plot synopsis and an analysis of a key scene are also included, leading to an interpretation that focuses on the text’s main issues. Articles conclude with suggestions on teaching activities and a list of up-to-date secondary sources. The current volume in two parts provides new material for the study of film and offers readings of 35 films, underscoring the richness of the contemporary scene of film in English around the globe. The editors and the contributors hope to transmit some of the enthusiasm films have always inspired in them.

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"Die einzelnen, zwischen 13 und 25 Seiten langen, ausgezeichnet recherchierten Filmanalysen sind komepetent geschrieben und zugleich in einem leicht zugänglichen Stil verfasst, der nicht nur akademische Fachkreise, sondern ein breites, interessiertes Publikum ansprechen soll."

Jörg Helbig, Anglia – Journal of English Philology 133.1 (2015)

"Insgesamt ist der Band uneingeschränkt zu empfehlen."

Eckart Voigts, Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch 57 (2016)