Shakespeare's Legacy
Norbert Schaffeld (Ed.)
Shakespeare's Legacy. The Appropriation of the Plays in Post-Colonial Drama
ISBN 978-3-88476-766-5, ISBN 3-88476-766-6, 176 S., kt., € 16,00 (2005)
(Reflections - Literatures in English outside Britain and the USA, Bd. 14)
This volume offers contributions from distinguished literary scholars who demonstrate that post-colonial encounters with Shakespeare reflect almost every facet of response oscillating between the poles of a rich or fatal legacy. While book-length studies in the field so far have preferred to concentrate on some individual countries, Shakespeare’s Legacy intends to cover the various post-colonial areas with respect to their specific appropriation of Shakespeare over the last thirty years or so. The advantage of the critical term ,appropriation‘ is the very fact that it gathers diverse, even sometimes opposing strategies at the same time as it is able to accommodate a variety of corresponding methodologies with which the contributors to the current volume are concerned. And finally, the term ,appropriation‘ also helps to secure an idea of agency that this book is likely to identify as one of the major prerequisites for inviting Shakespeare to the site of a post-colonial encounter.
Buchvorschau / Inhaltsverzeichnis (pdf)
"Die sorgfältig edierte Aufsatzsammlung verdient ein breites wissenschaftliches Lesepublikum."
Brigitte Glaser, Anglia – Zeitschrift für Englische Philologie 125.3 (2007)