Shakespeare's Globe, Global Shakespeares

24,50 €
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Cecile Sandten

Shakespeare's Globe, Global Shakespeares. Transcultural Adaptations of Shakespeare in Postcolonial Literatures

ISBN 978-3-86821-633-2, 194 S., kt., € 24,50 (2015)

(CHAT - Chemnitzer Anglistik/Amerikanistik Today, Bd. 6)

In this valuable study, Cecile Sandten examines a selection of transnational Shakespearean adapta-tions in the genres of prose, poetry and drama that have emerged within and from a postcolonial context. Scrutinising Shakespeare's appeal as a cultural phenomenon and a mainstay of the British literary canon, Sandten insightfully surveys how rewrites from Africa, the Caribbean, India and Canada engage and transform Shakespeare's plays to tackle issues of race and ethnicity, class and caste, colonial history, gender and language in their respective culturally-specific contexts. As counter-narratives that seek to redress and re-configure historical and contemporary power structures and imbalances, these adaptations rework and re-inscribe the dominant narratives of western modernity, especially with respect to the binaries of colonised/coloniser, margin/centre, servant/master, them/us.
Broadly dividing these rewrites into four interlinked categories or strategic modes of Shakespearean adaptations – the "affirmation rewrite", the "writing back rewrite", the "individual rewrite" and the "muti-lation rewrite", – this critical study focuses on the second and third approaches to convincingly il-lustrate how postcolonial writers have gradually transitioned from a "writing back" method of literary redress to a more transnational and syncretic form of literary adaptation. In this respect, Sandten perceptively elucidates how the process, and not merely product, of literary adaptation is less a one-way than a two-way exchange and of intercultural dialogue, syncretism and transformation.
Offering a critically nuanced take on the issue of Shakespeare as a "global" playwright, this study of transcultural adaptations of the bard's plays in postcolonial literatures will be indispensible to stu-dents and scholars of Elizabethan and postcolonial literatures alike.

Cecile Sandten is Professor of English Literatures at TU Chemnitz. She has published widely on postco-lonial literatures and theory, children's literature, Black and Asian British literatures and Shakespeare in adaptation. In addition to her engagement in facilitating German as a foreign language classes for refu-gees and asylum seekers at TU Chemnitz, she has organised a lectures series on gender and diversity issues in higher education. She is currently working on an interdisciplinary project on the metropolis and urban narratives and co-editing a forthcoming volume of essays on
Home: Concepts, Constructions and Contexts.

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