Romantic Ambiguities
Sebastian Domsch, Christoph Reinfandt, Katharina Rennhak (Eds.)
Romantic Ambiguities: Abodes of the Modern
ISBN 978-3-86821-727-8, 308 S., 12 Abb., kt., € 35,00 (2017)
(Studien zur Englischen Romantik, Bd. 20)
Romanticism's turn to subjective experience is based on a new awareness of the language- and media-related complexities of authentic representation. It anticipates modernist concerns and, on a more general note, the linguistic and medial turns of the twentieth century. Following James Chandler's insight that Romanticism constitutes "a cultural idiom, a whole way of being in the world", the contributions to this volume ask what is specifically modern in this cultural idiom and in how far the modernity of Romanticism depends on ambiguity as a paradigm of modernity as defined in Christoph Bode's Ästhetik der Ambiguität.
Contributors: Sebastian Domsch, Katharina Rennhak, Mark J. Bruhn, Nicholas Halmi, Ralf Haekel, Frank Erik Pointner, Dennis Weißenfels, Jens Martin Gurr, James Vigus, Cian Duffy, Gerold Sedlmayr, Peter J. Kitson, Frederick Burwick, Michael O'Neill, Angela Esterhammer, Martin Procházka, Ian Duncan, Pascal Fischer, Miroslawa Modrzewska, Stanislaw Modrzewski, Sabrina Sontheimer, Stefanie Fricke, Christoph Reinfandt.
Buchvorschau / Inhaltsverzeichnis (pdf)
"Taking their cue from Christoph Bode’s magisterial definition of ambiguity as the prototypical modern mode (Ästhetik der Ambiguität [1988]), the editors (Sebastian Domsch, Christoph Reinfandt, and Katharina Rennhak) have assembled a strong roster of contributors to explore the problematically ambiguous nature of Romantic aesthetics."
Stephen Behrendt, European Romantic Review 30.4 (2019)