Quantitative Text Analysis
Luděk Hřebíček, Gabriel Altmann (Eds.)
Quantitative Text Analysis
ISBN 978-3-88476-080-2, ISBN 3-88476-080-7, 308 S., kt., € 25,00 (1993)
(QL - Quantitative Linguistics, Bd. 52)
This volume is the result of a collective effort to advance text research in quantitative vein, aiming at a rapprochement of methods and vistas in linguistics and more advanced sciences, i.e. bridging one of the gaps between natural and social sciences. The volume reflects the European state of the art in quantitative textology, reaching from concept hypothesis formation through measurement, description, classification, model building up to testing and evaluation and even touching upon ontological and epistomological problems. It informs about the current work of 21 researchers and research groups from 8 countries.
The motto of the volume is M. Bunge`s statement: A start in mathematization or mathematical modelling, however unrealistic, is better than either a prolix but unenlightening description or grandiose verbal sketch.
Hrebícek, L. & Altmann, G.: Prospects of text linguistics
Methods and Models
Gordesch, J. & Zapf, A.: Computer-aided formation of concepts
Köhler, R. & Galle M.: Dynamic aspects of text characteristics
Chitashvili, R. J. & Baayen, R. H.: Word frequency distributions of texts and corpora as large number of rare event distributions
Hrebicek, L.: Text as a strategic process
Fenk, A.: Text-picture-transinformation
Myths and Narratives
Marcus, S.: The logical and semiotic status of the canonic formula of myth
Wildgen, W.: The distribution of imaginistic information in oral narratives
Möller, E.: The influence of context on narrative structures
Text and Readability
Tuldava, J.: The statistical structure of a text and its readability
Mikk, J. & Elts, J.: Comparison of texts with familiar and unfamiliar subject matter
Roos, U.: Measuring text difficulty in Japanese. Different tools - same results?
Description and Classification
Liiv, H. & Tuldava, J.: On classifying texts with the help of cluster analysis
Uhlírová, L.: Parts of the sentence: evidence and their communicative significance in text structure
Tesitelová, M.: On quantitative analysis of dialogue and monologue
Baumann, K. D.: The statistical method within an integrative approach to LSP analysis
Klein, H.: INTEXT - a program system for the analysis of texts