New Approaches to Narrative
Vera Nünning (Ed.)
New Approaches to Narrative. Cognition - Culture - History
ISBN 978-3-86821-468-0, 248 S., kt. € 25,00 (2013)
This volume offers an overview of some of the most important new approaches to narrative, while also delineating their usefulness as analytical tools and interpretative frameworks. Bridging the gap between theory and practice is at the heart of this volume, which aims not only at presenting new developments within narrative theory, but also at showing the benefits of such narratologically informed analyses. The contributors provide concise introductions to the premises, key concepts and methodology of cutting-edge approaches within the three fields of cognitive narratology, cultural narratology and what can be termed historical narratology, which is concerned with factual narratives of different genres. The chapters consist of two main parts each, the first outlining the key premises and concepts of the approach in question, and the second exemplifying its usefulness by applying its categories to the interpretation of a particular narrative. A general introduction gives an overview of recent trends in narrative theory; it also identifies gaps that might profitably be filled in the future.
Buchvorschau / Inhaltsverzeichnis (pdf)
"Whoever wants to get an overview of the present state of the art in narratology is well advised to read this volume."
Jan Alber, Anglia – Journal of English Philology 133.3 (2015)
"All in all, this is a highly recommendable introductory contribution to recent literary theories."
Monika Fludernik, Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch 57 (2016)