Narcissus and Echo

18,50 €
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Johannes Ungelenk

Narcissus and Echo. A Political Reading of George Eliot's Daniel Deronda

ISBN 978-3-86821-416-1, 148 S., kt., € 18,50 (2012)

(Horizonte - Studien zu Texten und Ideen der europäischen Moderne, Bd. 42)

George Eliot’s late novel Daniel Deronda tackles big, fundamental political questions that radiate from the societal circumstances of the novel’s production and reach deep into our present-day life. The novel critically analyses the capitalistic, morally flawed and standard-less English society and narrates the title hero’s proto-Zionist mission to found a Jewish nation that re-establishes history, meaning and ethical values. This study attempts to trace the novel’s two models of society and time by bringing them into resonance with the myth of Narcissus and Echo famously rendered by Ovid. The unloving, self-referential, visual Narcissus is read as the model for the capitalistic world of spectacle and speculation. Echo’s loving, memory-bearing voice forms an important part in the construction of the sublating unity of the Jewish nation-to-come. Guided by this resonance between George Eliot’s novel and Ovid’s myth pieces of critical theory and philosophy are woven into the study’s fabric. The resulting analysis dissects and deconstructs the novel’s fascinating and highly complex patterns of conditions of possibility for the fabrication of the redeeming Jewish nation, the very same conditions that the novel presents as the conditions of possibility for narrating a meaningful story.

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