Language / Art

23,50 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand


Philipp Horst

Language / Art: Artistic Representation between Poetry, Concept and the Visual

ISBN 978-3-86821-134-4, 196 S., kt., € 23,50 (2009)

(Horizonte - Studien zu Texten und Ideen der europäischen Moderne, Bd. 39)

This interdisciplinary study sets out to outline a significant change in the concept of mediality in the visual arts. The gradual development of the concept ‘medium’ is subdivided into three consecutive periods which roughly correspond to three art historical phases Modernism, Conceptual Art and New Media Art. The focus lies on the usage of two core media – language and the visual – and it becomes clear how both the concepts and their usage have changed. The examples are chosen on the basis of three parameters: intermedial constellations, meta-mediality and political message. The overall perspective is twofold: on the one hand, close readings of literary texts by William Carlos Williams, Susan Howe or Alan Sondheim will extract modes of the visual used by poets. On the other hand, analyses of pieces of visual art – among them examples from Cubism, Conceptual Art and Jenny Holzer – will demonstrate how these artists incorporate linguistic messages within their modes of artistic utterance. All artistic positions will be contextualised within their time and culture and their message will be scrutinised with regard to its political content. The approach is thus part of an interdisciplinary cultural studies reading of literature and the visual arts.

Buchvorschau / Inhaltsverzeichnis (pdf)


"The author sets out his ideas in a very clearly spoken and lucid manner, and it is a pleasure to follow the course of his argument throughout the different periods of art history."

Christina Müller, KULT_online 25 (2010)