Final Frontiers

29,50 €
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Kerstin-Anja Münderlein (Ed.)

Final Frontiers. Exploring, Discovering and Conquering in the Age of Enlightenment

ISBN 978-3-86821-900-5, 178 S., 12 Abb., kt., € 29,50 (2021)

(LAPASEC - Landau Paris Studies on the Eighteenth Century, Bd. 7)

Exploration, discovery and conquest in all its forms were integral parts of the eighteenth century and of the formation of cultural and national narratives in its course. The plurality of approaches to what „discovery“ meant in the long eighteenth century makes the term particularly interesting, showing that the century was indeed replete with discoveries in all areas of research, ranging from geographic to medical exploration within the human body and mind. In September 2019, the seventh Landau Paris Symposium on the Eighteenth Century (LAPASEC), held in Bamberg, Germany, brought together a diverse group of scholars from Europe and Canada to discuss issues of discovery, exploration and conquest in the long eighteenth century. The contributions presented and discussed at the conference are collected in this book, which constitutes volume 7 of the Landau-Paris Studies on the Eighteenth Century. As the contributors shared their highly different insights into and approaches to the different forms of discovery undertaken in the long eighteenth century, this collection of essays provides an impressive topical range, covering discoveries in literature, science, music and arts, politics and medicine, explorations at home and away, the individual, genre, and even the inner workings of the human body and mind.

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