Emily Dickinson at Home

28,00 €
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Gudrun M. Grabher, Martina Antretter (Eds.)

Emily Dickinson at Home. Proceedings of the Third International Conference of the Emily Dickinson International Society in South Hadley, Mount Holyoke College, 12-15 August 1999

ISBN 978-3-88476-473-2, ISBN 3-88476-473-X, 308 S., kt. € 28,00 (2001)

"Emily Dickinson at Home" is a highly significant collection of eigtheen essays written by leading international scholars. The essays were originally delivered at the third Emily Dickinson International Society Conference at South Hadley, Mount Holyoke College, in August 1999. Each essay marks an important, original and highly readable contribution to contemporary areas of Dickinson study. Among the topics discussed are: Dickinson as a feminist poet, Dickinson's influence on comtemporary American writers, her relationship to the Hebrew Bible and slavery, the question of the poet's popularity in the Far East, recent investigations into Dickinson's poetic language, an analysis of her handwriting, and a thought-provoking thesis on Dickinson's implicit erotic language.

Gudrun M. Grabher is professor and Chair of the Department of American Studies at the University of Innsbruck. She is a board member of the Emily Dickinson International Society, author, among others, of "Emily Dickinson: Das transzendentale Ich" and co-editor of "The Emily Dickinson Handbook".

Martina Antretter is a faculty member of the Department of American Studies at the University of Innsbruck. She is currently at work on a dissertation that deals with the poetics of the nature quest in American poetry.

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