Drama and Reality

20,50 €
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Bernhard Reitz (Ed.)

Drama and Reality

ISBN 978-3-88476-201-1, ISBN 3-88476-201-X, 222 S., kt., € 20,50 (1996)

(CDE - Contemporary Drama in English, Bd. 3)

Howard Brenton: With Gardzienice

Christopher Innes: The End of History - and After: The Politics of Drama Today

Tobias Döring: The Real Inspector Freud: Kim Morrissey, Terry Johnson, and the Drama of Hysteria

Elizabeth Sakellaridou: Hyper-/Sur-/Realism and the Postmodern Stage

Jochen Achilles: Dermot Bolger's Drama and the Reality of Europe

Paul Goetsch: Questioning Liberal Optimism: Athol Fugard's Playland

Irene Nitzl: Coping with Nigerian language problems in literature: The Transistor Radio by Ken Saro-Wiwa

Uma Narain: Theater of the Vietnam War: Reality Truer than Experiential Fact

Peter Paul Schnierer: The Theatre of War: English Drama and the Bosnian Conflict

Ute Berns: Political Drama and the Micropolitics of Language: Institutional Power and Individual Perspectives Creating Dramatic Realities

Jale Abdollahzadeh: Departures from Realism: Contemporary Feminist Theatre and the Power of Surreal Effects

Werner Huber/Martin Middeke: Biography in Contemporary Drama

Isolde Neubert: The Doorman of the Century is a Transient Phenomenon: The Symbolism of Dancer in Howard Barker's Hated Nightfall (1994)

Guy Stern: Romantic vs. Postmodern Reality: An Examination of Tom Stoppard's Arcadia

Bernhard Reitz: Beyond Newton's Universe: Science and Art in Tom Stoppard's Arcadia

Hans-Ulrich Mohr: David Mamet's Oleanna: The Hazards of Social Construction

Karl Groß: "Games People Play": Illusion and Reality in David Rabe's Streamers

Christiane Bimberg: Reality and Its Distortions in the Plays of Sam Shepard