Down East. Critical Essays on Contemporary Maritime Canadian Literature
Wolfgang Hochbruck, James O. Taylor (Eds.)
Down East. Critical Essays on Contemporary Maritime Canadian Literature
ISBN 978-3-88476-237-0, ISBN 3-88476-237-0, 328 S., kt., € 25,00 (1996)
(Reflections - Literatures in English outside Britain and the USA, Bd. 7)
What is commonly called Canadian Literature today started in the Maritime Provinces, and some of its most important and beautiful works were written here, but literary criticism has unduly neglected the Maritimes for the longest time. The present volume is designed as a comparison piece to recent studies by Janice Kulyk Keefer (Under Eastern Eyes, 1987) and Gwendolyn Davies (Studies in Maritime Literary History, 1760-1930, 1992), complementing these volumes as well as adding to them: Down East includes papers on established writers like Hugh MacLennan, Thomas Raddall and Ernest Buckler as well as trans-regional studies of Maritime Drama, and of younger and neglected authors like George Elliot Clarke, Joan Clark and Rita Joe.
Down East is a distinctly trans-Atlantic venture: It combines essays by eleven North American and eleven European scholars. The result is a lively exchange and juxtaposition of arguments and ideas, a multiperspective view of a polyphonous regional literature.
Wolfgang Hochbruck: "Centre and Margin: Literature from the Maritimes"
Janice Kulyk Keefer: "Nova Scotia's Literary Landscape"
Gwendolyn Davies: "Rewriting the Acadian Evangeline Myth: Roberts, Saunders, and Nova Scotia Popular Culture"
George Elliott Clarke: "The Birth and Rebirth of Africadian Literature"
Susanne Bach: "The Geography of Perception in Hugh MacLennan's Maritime Novels"
Wilf Cude: "Raddall's Gift"
Rolf Althof: " 'Telling these Things Exactly'. Communicating Memories in Ernest Buckler's Novels"
Louis Dudek, "Three Poems by R. J. MacSween"
Sheldon Currie: "David Adams Richards: The People on the Roadway"
James O. Taylor: "Celtic Themes and the Comic in Sheldon Currie's 'The Glace Bay Miner's Museum' "
Simone Vauthier: "Time and Space in Alistair MacLeod's 'The Road to Rankin's Point' "
Uwe Zagratzki: "Neil Gunn and Alistair MacLeod: Across the Sea to 'Scotland'"
Stewart Donovan: "Surviving Shared Worlds: the Parish and the Province. Alden Nowlan and Patrick Kavanagh"
Philip Milner: "D. R. MacDonald's Short Stories about Cape Breton"
Albert Reiner Glaap: "Theatre and Drama in the Maritime Provinces. An Overview"
Helen Peters: "Theatre in Newfoundland"
Konrad Groß: "Looking to the Far East? Newfoundland in David French's Mercer Tetralogy"
Arnold E. Davidson: "Whylah Falls: The Africadian Poetry of George Elliott Clarke"
Hartmut Lutz: "'Talking at the Kitchen Table': A Personal Homage to Rita Joe of Eskasoni Reserve, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia"
Danielle Fuller: "Re-imag(in)ing the Self - The Art of Representation in Joan Clark's Swimming Toward the Light
Martin Küster: "Is Waltherrott the Thought-Control Centre
of Germany? Perspectives of Germany in Ray Smith's Fiction"
Wolfgang Holtkamp: "Cutting Off a Hologram. Canadian Stereotypes in Spider Robinson's Science Fiction Novel Mindkiller"