Crossings and Comparisons in African Literary and Cultural Studies

35,00 €
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Susanne Gehrmann, Pepetual Mforbe Chiangong (Eds.)

Crossings and Comparisons in African Literary and Cultural Studies

ISBN 978-3-86821-934-0, 280 S., 1 Abb., kt., € 35,00 (2022)

(LuKA - Literaturen und Kulturen Afrikas, Bd. 15)

This book constructs a platform for the critical exploration of African literatures written in a variety of African and European languages and goes beyond the mainstream in African literary and cultural studies by engaging multiple hermeneutic approaches to narratives, performance, and visual arts.
Putting emphasis on comparing cultural productions in at least two linguistic expressions, the book foregrounds the analytical strategies employed by the contributors to delve into the epistemologies of African social, cultural and political life, as critical assessments of the novel, short stories, music, drama, film, poetry, social media, festivals, and academic institutions become paramount. The contributions underscore the necessity to respond to trends and transformations that African literary genres and media have seen across time and space with interest in how these changes have been enriched by the different languages of expression.
Going beyond regional and linguistic boxes, in which African literatures, music, and film have often been encapsulated, the chapters in this book present a critical assessment of the ideological, aesthetic, thematic, and linguistic models that illustrate similarities, but also differences, that can be made visible through comparative approaches, and which underscore the innovative potential to put African narratives, lyrics, and discourses conveyed in more than one language in conversation with one another.

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