Creating a Cultural Studies Archive Based on the Alice Gray Archives

18,00 €
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Anika Schusser

Creating a Cultural Studies Archive Based on the Alice Gray Archives

ISBN 978-3-86821-052-1, 120 S., 64 Abb., € 18,00 (CD-ROM, 2008)

(Cultural Studies in the Heartland of America, Bd. 6)

Cultural studies archives can be of tremendous value for translators and other researchers, since they provide an overview on a research topic in a short time. This thesis explains the process of creating a cultural studies archive based on the Alice Gray Archives, but in a more general sense it also represents a manual for creating a cultural studies archive on any topic. The various stages of the creation process are explained step by step, from researching and collecting data to making it accessible and searchable in the form of an archive. The work presents various data research methods, such as methods for obtaining research material in libraries, archives, or online and explains how they are used most effectively. Furthermore, it gives an overview of cultural studies archives and image databases and also provides an instructional manual for creating an image database. Various software tools that are necessary for creating the archive, such as desktop search engines and OCR software, are presented, compared and evaluated. All mentioned software tools are presented in a manner that is understandable to the novice.