Contemporary German-Irish Cultural Relations in a European Perspective
Joachim Fischer, Rolf Stehle (Eds).
Contemporary German-Irish Cultural Relations in a European Perspective. Exploring Issues in Cultural Policy and Practice
ISBN 978-3-86821-386-7, 286 S., kt., € 30,00 (2012)
(Irish-German Studies, Bd. 6)
These times of crisis for Europe, for the Euro currency and for the European Union project may not seem the most appropriate and auspicious time to reflect on cultural policy, either European or national. Exchequer funding for the arts tends to be among the first to be cut when money becomes scarce, often with widespread support from the electorate and despite forceful protests by artists and other cultural practitioners. Art and culture are perceived as the icing on the cake in times of plenty. It is probably true to say that this attitude is even more deeply ingrained in Ireland than may be the case in mainland Europe, particularly in Germany, where serious public funding of the arts, based on comprehensive cultural policies, has a long tradition.
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