Climate Change

29,50 €
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Julia Klein

Climate Change – The Hot Topic of the 21st Century as a Subject of Terminology Research

ISBN 978-3-86821-058-3 276 S., 36 Abb., € 29,50 (CD-ROM, 2008)

(Lighthouse Unlimited, Bd. 125)

Throughout Earth’s history, changes in climate have occurred as a natural process. However, since the Industrial Revolution took place in the 19th century, climate is no longer affected only by natural forces, but also by human activities. Increased amounts of greenhouse gases have been emitted since that time, leading to an altered composition of these gases in the atmosphere. The consequences have been a continuous warming trend over the last 150 years, which is projected to continue in the future, as well as several other worldwide effects. Thus, measures are necessary to counteract the warming trend. The objective of this thesis is to provide translators and interpreters but also students with background knowledge and the terminology related to climate change. Therefore, the thesis comprises two main parts: The first part provides information about climate change, covering the scientific basis of climate change, discussing measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change, and addressing the politics involved. Current political developments are included. The second part offers a bilingual English-German database, including a variety of technical terms encountered in the thesis, complete with definitions, context examples, and the usage of term entries.