British Studies in Germany

ab 25,50 €

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Wolfgang Mackiewicz, Dieter Wolff (Eds.)

British Studies in Germany: Essays in Honour of Frank Frankel

ISBN 978-3-88476-253-0, ISBN 3-88476-253-2, 160 S., kt., € 25,50 (1997)

ISBN 978-3-88476-254-7, ISBN 3-88476-254-0, 160 S., geb., € 38,00 (1997)

Wolfgang Mackiewitz & Dieter Wolff: Introduction Jens-Ulrich Davids: Novel maps of London

Hans-Jürgen Diller: "No constitution please, we're Britsh!": Neal Ascherson and the 'Myth of British Sovereignity'

Albert-Reiner Glaap: Words as getaways to the English-speaking world

Christopher Harvie: The challenge of the New Eastern Europe for British Studies and German universities

Jürgen Kramer: The 'Black Presence' in English literature

Bernd Lentz: Indeals of femininity: Lord Halifax vs. Mary Wollstonecraft

Bernhard Reitz: Mrs Thatcher and the playwrights

Richard Stinshoff: "The Black Hills are not for sale": (What) can we learn from intercultural conflicts?

Gerd Stratmann: British Studies and teachability

Michael Stubbs: Angst and the Zeitgeist: Notes on German words in English

Günter Walch: Shakespeare's exotic other: An anthropological perspective