Boundaries, Limits, Taboos: Transgression in Romanticism

32,50 €
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Swantje van Mark, Leonore Sell, Norbert Lennartz (Eds.)

Boundaries, Limits, Taboos: Transgression in Romanticism. Selected Papers from the Vechta Conference of the German Society for English Romanticism and the International Association of Byron Societies

ISBN 978-3-86821-918-0, 226 S., 8 Abb., kt., € 32,50 (2021)

(Studien zur Englischen Romantik, Bd. 23)


Swantje van Mark and Norbert Lennartz: Transgression in Romanticism: Some Introductory Remarks

Richard Lansdown: Appetite and Deeds, War and the Will: Faustian Transgression in Byron's The Deformed Transformed

Diego Saglia: Of Flesh and Boundaries: Transgressing Gaps and Orifices in Romantic Orientalism

Marvin Reimann: Byron's The Giaour: Dismantling the Boundaries between Orient and Occident through Romantic Irony

Sophia Möllers: The Historian Turned Anatomist of the Soul: Tracing Transgressive Psychology in William Godwin's Mandeville

Alexandra Böhm: Transgressive Encounters: Sympathy with Animals in John Aikin and Anna Laetitia Barbauld's Evenings at Home and Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "Rime of the Ancyent Marinere"

Ian Duncan: Imps of the Perverse: Romantic Fiction and Antinomian Denial

Alexander Schlutz: "A poor, imprisoned animal." Persons, Property, and the Unnatural Nature of the Law in E.T.A. Hoffmann's The Entail

Sebastian Domsch: Transgressing (Story)Worlds: Polidori, Byron, and The Vampyre

Jonathan Gross: "No hopes for them as laughs": William Beckford in the Margins of Robert Southey's and Lord Byron's Visions of Judgement

Denise Gigante: Transgressing the Sacred Frontier of Culture

Richard C. Sha: Can Transgression Be Meaningful Even After It Is Required or Expected?

Nicholas Roe: Transgressive Biography

Kasahara Yorimichi: Croly's Dying Warrior: The Roman Gladiator That Crossed the Boundary and Turned into Arminius