Beyond the Mainstream
Peter Paul Schnierer (Ed.)
Beyond the Mainstream
ISBN 978-3-88476-266-0, ISBN 3-88476-266-4, 154 S., kt., € 18,00 (1997)
(CDE - Contemporary Drama in English, Bd. 4)
Peter Paul Schnierer: Introduction: The Marginal Theatre
Margarete Rubik: Fringe or Mainstream? What is Marketable?
Jale Abdollahzadeh: De-constructing and Re-constructing the Gendered Gaze in Lesbian Theatre
Guy Stern: The Jewish Ensemble Theater of Michigan and its American Premiere of Motti Lerner's Exile in Jerusalem
Nicole Boireau: The 'undersea kingdom' of Gregory Motton
Christopher Innes: Beyond Categories (Redefining 'mainstream')
Stuart Marlow: Revisiting Top Girls: Mainstreaming the Alternative
Reade Dornan: Omaha Magic Theatre: Not Corn, But Babes Unchained
Wolfgang Hochbruck: Between Living History and Pageantry: Historical Reenactments in American Culture
Christiane Schlote: Other Voices: Latino and Asian American Theatre in New York
Regina Kneer: Contemporary Black Australian Drama
Eckhard Breitinger: African Theatre Today: Perception and Reception at africa 95