Beyond Aesthetics

21,50 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand


Christopher Balme, Meike Wagner (Eds.)

Beyond Aesthetics: Performance, Media, and Cultural Studies

ISBN 978-3-88476-693-4, ISBN 3-88476-693-7, 148 S., 11 Abb., kt., € 21,50 (2004)

(MUSE - Mainz University Studies in English, Bd. 6)

Beyond Aesthetics reflects a commitment to explore the possible interactions and inter­faces of performance, literary and media studies outside the paradigm of traditional aesthetic concerns. The topics explored and the methodologies used in the present volume are exceptionally varied. Yet, linking all the papers is a concern with wider cultural processes. The engagement with cultural studies and its many areas of inter­est has proven to be the most useful disciplinary frame in which to operate.

The pa­pers here presented fall into three main areas of interest. The first is theatre’s rapid change in response to what can be called media culture. Theatrical performances can still be just plays performed on box sets, but increasingly they are not. A second ma­jor emphasis is on performance in its widest application. The move towards per­for­mance studies over the past decade has created a wider range of interests within thea­tre and media, which is reflected here. A third group of papers can be subsumed un­der the broad heading of intercultural performance. Neither performance nor me­dia are regarded as purely aesthetic or technical in their constitution but as always con­tin­gent on cultural forces. In this regard Beyond Aesthetics presents an inspiring overview over a full range of highly innovative approaches in the field of perfor­mance, media, and cultural studies.

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