Anglistentag 2008 Tübingen

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Lars Eckstein, Christoph Reinfandt (Eds.)

Anglistentag 2008 Tübingen. Proceedings

ISBN 978-3-86821-179-5, 544 S., kt., € 72,50 (2009)

(Proceedings of the Conference of the German Association of University Teachers of English, Bd. 30)

Christoph Reinfandt (Tübingen)


Section I: The Religious Turn in Literary and Cultural Studies

Anton Kirchhofer (Oldenburg)

The Religious Turn in Literary and Cultural Studies: Introduction

Gauri Viswanathan (New York)

Secularism, Literature, and Heterodoxy

Kai Merten (Kiel)

'Our Nature Angels May Weigh and Fathom': Towards an Angelic Anthropology in British Romanticism

Miriam Wallraven (Giessen)

Who's Afraid of Witches, Goddesses, and Women Occultists? The Importance of a 'Spiritual and Occult Turn' in Connection with Gender for Literary and Cultural Studies

Peter Schneck (Osnabrück)

"Mysterium tremendum et fascinans": Don DeLillo, Rudolf Otto and the Search for Numinous Experience

Susanne Gruss (Erlangen)

"The Flesh Made Word": Sensuous Religion in the Works of Michèle Roberts

Enno Ruge (Munich)

Of Hollow-Hearted Men and Hypocrites: The Religious Turn and the Study of Early Modern Puritanism

Anne-Julia Zwierlein (Regensburg)

"Redeeming Eve"? The 'Religious Turn' and Early Modern Gender Studies

Mark Berninger (Mainz)

Modern Miltonicks – 20th Century Appropriations of Milton and the Religious Turn

Section II: Borders and Transitions in Language, Literature and Culture

Andrew James Johnston (Berlin) and Hans Sauer (Munich)

Borders and Transitions: Introduction

Allen J. Frantzen (Chicago)

Religious Tolerance in Old and Middle English Sources

Andrew James Johnston (Berlin)

Beowulf and the Remains of Imperial Rome: Archaeology, Legendary History and the Problems of Periodisation

Ferdinand von Mengden (Hamburg)

What Remains of 1066?

Claudia Olk (Berlin)

Performing Transition – Word and Image in the York Cycle

Nicole Meier (Bonn)

Protestant Censorship in 16th-Century Scottish Manuscripts: the Case of Walter Kennedy's "Leif luve, my luve, no langar it lyk"

Gabriela Schmidt (München)

Elizabethan Translation – Literature at the Limits: Thomas Wilson's Demosthenes and John Harington's Orlando

Furioso Ralf Haekel (Göttingen)

Romantic Constructions of Poetry – Poetic Constructions of Romanticism

Ursula Lenker (Eichstätt)

Language Divides – The Long 19th Century from a Linguistic Perspective

Section III: Travelling Literatures

Sissy Helff (Frankfurt/Main), Cecile Sandten (Chemnitz) and Axel Stähler (Canterbury)

Travelling Literatures: Introduction

Susan Arndt (Frankfurt)

Myths and Masks of 'Travelling': Colonial Migration and Slavery in Shakespeare's Othello, The Sonnets and The Tempest

Christian Huck (Erlangen)

Seeing Other People? Travel, Writing and the Senses

Betsy van Schlun (Bielefeld)

Journeys of the Mind

Christiane Schlote (Berne)

Memories of Mesopotamia: Agatha Christie's Archaeological Travel Writing

Elisabeth Bekers (Brussels, VUB)

The Lives and Strange Surprising Adventures of Classic and Contemporary Travellers in Fiction in English

Gerhard Stilz (Tübingen)

Indigenes, Migrants and Others – A Selfish Inquest

Section IV: Teaching English Literatures: From Theory to Practice (and Back)

Ulrike Erichsen (Frankfurt) and Susanne Reichl (Vienna)

Teaching English Literatures: From Theory to Practice (and Back): Introduction

Peter Barry (Aberystwyth)

Continuing Literary Theory

Engelbert Thaler (Freiburg)

Teaching Literature via Web 2.0

Carola Surkamp (Göttingen)

Action- and Production-Oriented Methods in Literature Courses at University: Theoretical Basis and Practical Benefits

Sarah Heinz (Passau)

Teaching Autobiography: The Reintegration of Theory and Practice through Creative Writing

Michael C. Prusse (Zürich)

Teaching to Read and Reading to Teach: English Literature in Teacher Education

Pascal Nicklas (Leipzig)

Teaching English in English not Being English

Section V: Patterns in Language

Ute Römer (Ann Arbor) and Rainer Schulze (Hanover) Patterns in Language: An Introduction

Douglas Biber (Flagstaff)

A Corpus-Driven Approach to Formulaic Language in English: Extending the Construct of Lexical Bundle

Thomas Herbst (Erlangen)

Patterns in Syntax, Lexicography and Corpus Linguistics

Rolf Kreyer (Bonn)

Patterns of Language Use from a Network Perspective

Lieselotte Anderwald (Kiel) and Benedikt Szmrecsanyi (Freiburg)

Why Grammar Is Real: A Usage-Based Perspective on Patterns

Sebastian Hoffmann (Lancaster) and Joybrato Mukherjee (Giessen)

Patterns Across Varieties: Verb-Complementational Profiles of Old and New Englishes

Elke Gehweiler (Berlin)

Mere mortals, bare essentials: A Corpus-Based Analysis of Two Downtoners