Anglistentag 1998 Erfurt

64,50 €
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Fritz-Wilhelm Neumann, Sabine Schülting (Eds.)

Anglistentag 1998 Erfurt. Proceedings

ISBN 978-3-88476-377-3, ISBN 3-88476-377-6, 520 S., kt., € 64,50 (1999)

(Proceedings of the Conference of the German Association of University Teachers of English, Bd. 20)

Section I: Clause Combining in Syntax and Discourse
Christian Mair (Freiburg)
Clause Combining in Syntax and Discourse: Introduction

Olga Fischer (Amsterdam)
Changes in Infinitival Constructions in English: How to Explain?

Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen (Konstanz) / Sandra A. Thompson (Santa Barbara)
On the Concessive Relation in Conversational English

Carsten Breul (Bonn)
Clause Embedding versus Clause Combining: A Hallidayan Distinction Revised

Wolfgang Thiele (Leipzig)
Meaning Relations and Their Formal Realizations in Sentence and Chunk Configurations of Written English Comments

Gunter Lorenz (Augsburg)
"... and state your reasons clearly": Causal Linking in Native and Non-native Discourse

Dagmar Haumann (Erfurt)
Adverbial Subordination: Main Clauses as Specifiers

Günter Rohdenburg (Paderborn)
Clausal Complementation and Cognitive Complexity in English

Section II: Humanism
Claus Uhlig (Marburg)

Claus Uhlig (Marburg)
Humanism(s) - Beyond the 'New Historicism'

Margret Popp (Würzburg)
The Green Horse or Was Tyndale's Bible Translation an Independent Humanistic Achievement?

Holger Klein (Salzburg)
Ille locus, illud tempus: Sir Thomas Morels Utopia and the Pastoral

Uwe Baumann (Düsseldorf)
Sir Thomas Elyot's The Image of Governance: A Humanist's speculum principis and a Literary Puzzle

Thomas Kullmann (Göttingen)
Courtliness and Platonism in the English Renaissance

Wolfgang G Muller (Jena)
Dialogue and Dialogicity in Renaissance Drama

Sabine Volk-Birke (Bayreuth)
Genre, Rhetoric, and the Presentation of Consciousness in Sir Philip Sidney's Arcadia

Michael Steppat (Bayreuth)
Cultural Voicing in Shakespearian Comedy

Section III: Romantic Poetry
Christoph Bode (Bamberg)

Anne K. Mellor (Los Angeles)
Romanticism: The Difference that Difference Makes

Karl JosefHöltgen (Erlangen)
William Blake and the Emblem Tradition (Abstract)

Peter Wagner (Landau)
How to (Mis)Read Blake: "The Tyger" Once Again

Silvia Mergenthal (Konstanz)
"The Dead Poets' Society": 'Thomas Chatterton and the Romantics

Michael Meyer (Bamberg)
Revisions and Specular Inversions in The Prelude

Christoph Reinfandt (Kiel)
The Evolution of Romanticism: High Art vs. Popular Culture in Tennyson's "The Lady of Shalott"

Hans-Ulrich Mohr (Dresden)
Four Visits to Tintern Abbey: Gilpin (1770), Wordsworth (1793, 1798), Tennyson (1847)

Susanne Schmid (Berlin)
Martyr? Gentleman? Atheist? Christian? - Nineteenth-Century German Constructions of Shelley

Section IV: South-East Asia
Rüdiger Ahrens (Würzburg)
South-East Asia: Introduction

Andrew Parkin (Hong Kong)
Home and Away: English Language and Literature, Pedagogy and Poetry in South-East Asia - Viewpoint of a Non-Orientalist

Manfred Görlach (Köln)
English in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, The Philippines … a Second or a Foreign Language?

Heinz Antor (Düsseldorf)
Alterity and Identity in Post-Colonial South-East Asian Fiction in English

John E. Joseph (Edinburgh)
Ex-colonial Language Post-colonial Identity: The Future of English in Hong Kong

Peter Mühlhäusler (Adelaide)
German and English in Competition in Asia and the Pacific

Elmar Lehmann (Essen)
Michael Ondaatje between Regional and International Writing

Norbert Schaffeld (Leipzig)
"Ulysses by the Merlion": Cross-Cultural Visions in the Poetry of Edwin Thumboo

Section V: Varia/Workshop
Renate Brosch (Berlin)
The Pictorial Turn of Henry James

Werner Huber (Chemnitz)
Tom Stoppard and the English Disease

Ulrike Schwab (Halle)
The Film Adaptation of Literature as a Research Object

Merle Tönnies (Bochum)
Mar(r)y-ing Gender Mythology and Genre Laws: Images of the Queen of Scots in Nineteenth-Century British Drama

Ulrich Busse (Osnabrück)
"Prithee now, say you will, and go about it." Prithee vs. pray you as Discourse Markers in the Shakespeare Corpus

Felicitas Tesch (Berlin)
Verb Profiles and the Simple Present

Hans Ulrich Boas (Erfurt)
Workshop "Electronic Corpora: Literary and Linguistic"