A History of American Poetry

39,50 €
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Oliver Scheiding, René Dietrich, Clemens Spahr (Eds.)

A History of American Poetry: Contexts - Developments - Readings

ISBN 978-3-86821-610-3, 492 S., kt., € 39,50 (2015)

(WVT-Handbücher zum literatur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Studium, Bd. 19)

This handbook answers the need for fresh and informative readings of canonical and non-canonical poems. The thirty-one chapters engage revisionary trends in poetry scholarship. They unfold a critical history of American poetry that challenges conventional interpretations and provide insightful new readings of well-known poems and writers as well as introductions to poets and texts that may be more unfamiliar. Each chapter focuses on two poets set into dialogue with each other, presenting paired readings of one representative text from each author. In addition to a number of familiar texts and names that are necessary for students to understand basic developments in American poetry, the handbook offers chapters on multilingual colonial poetry, nineteenth-century Native American poetry, and contemporary experimental poetry. The paired readings of poems in each chapter also invite interconnected lessons that make readers compare, for example, the communal conventions of colonial poetry to the collective poetics of contemporary performance poetry. The handbook encourages readings across and against literary periods, while annotated paired readings and additional reading suggestions should inspire students to analyze poems as particular sites of historical and political meaning. Being both a manual in terms of current theoretical directions in literary studies and a guide to practical criticism, A History of American Poetry helps students to further explore the diversity and multiple poetic traditions that make up American poetry in its intersections with historical contexts and other literatures.

Buchvorschau / Inhaltsverzeichnis (pdf)


"With their close to five-hundred-page edited volume, Oliver Scheiding, René Dietrich and Clemens Spahr have taken up the impressive task of revisiting and reevaluating America's literary history of poetry. The overall outcome of this welcome undertaking, penned by thirty Americanists affiliated with a number of German, Belgian, and Austrian universities, serves as an argument in favour of including American poetry in American Studies programs."

Martina Pfeiler, Anglistik – International Journal of English Studies 29.2 (2018)

"Für alle diejenigen, die Amerikanistik lehren, gehört der Band in die Handbibliothek. Aber auch andere Lyrikliebhaber mögen dem Band manche Anregung entnehmen, denn nur den Spezialisten dürften alle der hier behandelten Autorinnen und Autoren wirklich vertraut sein. So bleibt immer etwas zu entdecken – auch das ist ja eine Aufgabe solcher Sammelwerke, den Weg zu Entdeckungen zu ebnen. Universitätsbibliotheken sollten den Band in jedem Fall anschaffen."

Till Kinzel, Informationsmittel (IFB): digitales Rezensionsorgan für Bibliothek und Wissenschaft (2016)