The Gwen Frostic Website as Object of Translation
Evelyn Baričević
The Gwen Frostic Website as Object of Translation from English to Russian using the Software CatsCradle
ISBN 978-3-86821-168-9, 89 pp., 32 illustrations, € 15,00 (CD-ROM, 2009)
(Cultural Studies in the Heartland of America, Vol. 21)
Gwen Frostic was a Michigan artist, poet and businesswoman. For nearly 50 years she demonstrated her Michigan roots and preserved its traditions and nature in her stationery products and books. Against the backdrop of Gwen suffering as an adult from the resulting complications from a childhood disease, it is even more impressive that she became a millionaire. It is her persistent and heartening achievements that make her forever inseparably interwoven with American culture, in particular with Michigan. After her death, her business has been continued and her art is still acquirable, even on the Internet. This work focuses on the translation of the Gwen Frostic website from English to Russian using the software CatsCradle. Alongside the vivid presentation of the results based on screenshots of the original webpage next to the Russian counterpart, the thesis covers all steps essential for the translation. It comprises thorough research on Gwen Frostic as well as a detailed analysis of the website, including a discussion of problems related to the translation. An entire section is dedicated to the tool CatsCradle, software designed especially for the translation of websites. The extensive description of the software is complemented by the author’s own experiences and recommendations leading to a unique user’s guide, directed at beginners as well as advanced users. The thesis concludes with a comprehensive glossary.