Why publish with WVT

For more than 40 years, WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier has been an owner-managed, independent publisher for scientific publishing with commitment and competence. We publish monographs, dissertations and habilitation theses, anthologies and conference volumes, textbooks, journals and editions in English, German and Romance studies, didactics, classical studies, cultural and media studies, linguistics, history, political science and philosophy.

WVT offers you the best conditions for your publication.

We advise you individually with concerning your publication and arrange for your work to be included in one of our renowned scientific series. Alternatively, we would be happy to take care of your work as a series-independent publication.

Become part of a professional publishing environment and benefit from our many years of experience.

The aim of our work is the professional entrance of your publication into the academic world. To do this, we look for the best solution for your work on the way from manuscript to book and, after the publisher has inspected the manuscript, we will give you detailed advice on the further publication process.

After publication, we accompany your book with on target review advertising, thus ensuring optimal visibility for your publication. Our titles are discussed in all major academic journals.

We only use high-quality materials to print your publication and value high processing quality. This includes a professional cover design based on a series layout or free draft.

From printed book to eBook to Open Access, we offer all forms of publication - also as a combination of e. g. book and eBook or book and Open Access. We would be happy to prepare an individual offer for you.

Open Access publications are usually also published in printed form. Open Access publications with WVT go through the same quality assurance process as Closed Access publications. Since in the Open Access model the revenue from book marketing is eliminated or, as experience has shown, reduced, you as the author contribute to the production and provision costs for the Open Access publication with an individually calculated Open Access fee, which is due in advance. Your work is published under a 'Creative Commons' license (e.g. 'CC BY-NC-ND', version 4.0, see creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/deed), so that your copyrights remain protected. Users are prohibited from using your publication commercially and are obliged to name the copyright and rights holders. If required, other licenses can be used.

All publications with WVT undergo a thorough review process. In the case of university qualification theses, we ask you to send us the available expert reports, which we will of course treat confidentially. After an internal evaluation and review of your work, we usually submit the work with our assessment to the editors of one of our series of publications for review. Here the work goes through a second review process. Publications independent of the series are reviewed internally by expert reviewers with doctoral degrees and, if necessary, submitted to an external expert reviewer.

> How to publish with WVT

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