Browse our site to find out more about our academic series. If you are interested in a publication with WVT, please send your manuscript as a Word file (or a similar OpenOffice file type). After the publisher has inspected the manuscript, you will receive a publication offer tailored to your work with further information on the publication process. The modalities of the publication will then be agreed upon, such as whether you want to set up your work yourself according to our specifications or have the publisher do it for you. Furthermore, it can be decided whether a formal processing of your work is sufficient or whether, based on our cursory reading, more intensive proofreading seems advisable.
Our goal is not only to ensure a professional layout of your work, but also to help you with further improvements. During the entire publication process, an editor will be at your side as your personal contact, supervisor and coordinator of your publication. The scientific standard for a publication in the WVT is the four-eye principle and the internal cross-checking of all manuscripts.
After agreeing on the publication modalities, you format your work yourself - if necessary, we will send you the instructions for the scientific series in question - and send us this file. Or you can send your text in an unformatted version for the publisher to format and produce a print-ready version.
We use this file to review the manuscript and then send you a check file, which usually contains comments and questions from our editors and from which you can make your final corrections. This file, corrected by you, serves as a template for the production of the final print file, which then enters the printing process.
Before going to press, we review the test printout as a book proof on paper. Only then will your book be released for printing.
Do you have questions about publishing with WVT?